Thursday, April 8, 2010

California Institute of Technology

Cal Tech is fantastically hard to get into and only for the serious math and science braniacs among us.  The campus is one of the most beautiful I have seen and the dorm we saw one of the most unappealing.  Highlights and trivia include….

•    Cal Tech’s mascot is the beaver – nature’s engineer, of course.
•    The most popular course is “Cooking Basics”, heavy on chemistry and physics I presume.
•    There are 75 research centers on campus.  Virtually all students do research at one time or another.  About a third of the student body does funded research each summer.
•    There are no teaching assistants.  Students are taught directly by those Nobel Prize winners.
•    NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is owned and staffed by Cal Tech.
•    Students are required to take 3 semesters of PE.  Offerings include ping-pong, DDR and bowling.
•    Do nerds party?  Yes they do and they take it very seriously.  They trap on tool belts and build elaborate venues for themed parties.
•    My favorite T-shirt - “MIT – because not everyone can go to Cal Tech”
•    Students live in one of eight Harry Potter like “houses” for their four years – very few live off campus.
