Monday, March 1, 2010

Florida Southern College

Thank you to the Kliman family for providing this post from their recent trip.

Campus:  Interesting. Rather hilly with Lake Hollingsworth below.  Architecture, old and new, was quite nice.  Well-known for Frank Lloyd Wright buildings and walk-ways:  only chapel he designed and built is there, some academic buildings, many long low walkways that protect from sun and rain but are low and designed for short people (like FLW, who was apparently less than 5 ft tall and felt no one had the right to be over 6ft).  New buildings also feature big windows (bringing the outside inside) and red painted metal, similar to the interior of the chapel.

Thoughtful organization of services: professors’ offices near classrooms; reps from all student resources/services in one place called the Solution Center.  Two female and one male freshman dorms; upperclass dorms are coed.  Rooms are larger than elsewhere with various options (single, double) available.

There was a good feeling about the place.  Students were friendly and diverse.  Staff were informative, eager to be helpful and energetic.  The college offers unusual programs for Florida, like pre-veterinary medicine.  Sports are important and enthusiastically supported.  The college is Methodist affiliated, but the chapel celebrates all religions.  There seemed to be an active spiritual life, but not a doctrinaire one.

A great, small liberal arts college if you don’t mind being in central Florida.