Wednesday, April 14, 2010

University of Oregon

During spring break, we toured schools in Oregon, one of which was the University of Oregon.  The campus is very large and lush, and students were everywhere.  Although there are about 22,000 students enrolled, there are a number of thins they’ve done to make it easier for students to settle in and get connected.  For example, first year students can enroll in one of 60 different “FIG” (Freshmen Interest Group) programs, which matches groups of students around a central theme of interest to them; the group of about 25 takes a number of classes together which allows them to get to know each other, as well as completing their core course work.   Also, in classes with over 100 students (some of the first year core classes), automatically include smaller study sections of no more than 25 students.   The University is research-based, and has tremendous funding.

-Contributed by the Jordan family.  Thanks!